Rszek Cmei
Az anime rszeinek cmei
Japn :
Rsz 1: Ahiru to ji sama
Rsz 2: Kokoro no kakera
Rsz 3: Purinsesu no chikai
Rsz 4: Jizeru
Rsz 5: Hi matsuri no yoru ni
Rsz 6: Yume miru rora
Rsz 7: Karasu hime
Rsz 8: Senshi no izumi
Rsz 9: Kuroi kutsu
Rsz 10: Shinderera
Rsz 11: Ra shifdo
Rsz 31: Ichi no kanmuri k pen
Rsz 32: Marionette zen pen
Rsz 33: Marionette k pen
Rsz 34: ji to karasu zen pen
Rsz 35: ji to karasu k pen
Rsz 36: Hinshi no hakuch zen pen
Rsz 38: Finre
1.rszThe Duck and the Prince ~Der Nuknacker: Blumenwalzer~ (The Nutcracker: Waltz of the Flowers)
2.rszHeart Shard ~Schwanensee: Scne finale~ (Swan Lake: Final Scene)
3.rszThe Princess's Vow ~Dornrschen: Panorama~ (Sleeping Beauty: Panorama)
4.rszGiselle ~Giselle~
5.rszOn the Night of the Fire Festival ~Bilder einer Ausstellung: Die Katakomben~ (Pictures at an Exhibition: The Catacombs)
6.rszDreaming Aurora ~Dornrschen: Prolog~ (Sleeping Beauty: Prologue)
7.rszCrow Princess ~An der schnen blauen Donau~ (On the Beautiful Blue Danube)
8.rszThe Warrior's Fountain ~Fantasie-Ouvertre zu "Romeo und Julia"~ (Romeo and Juliet Fantasy Overture)
9.rszBlack Shoes ~Bilder einer Ausstellung: Alten Schlo~ (Pictures at an Exhibition: The Old Castle)
10.rszCinderella ~Aschenbrdel: Walzer-Coda~ (Cinderella: Waltz-Coda)
11.rszLa Sylphide ~La Sylphide~
12.rszBanquet of Darkness ~Scheherazade~
13.rszSwan Lake ~Schwanensee~ (Swan Lake)
14.rszThe Raven ~Blumenwalzer~ (Waltz of the Flowers) 1
15.rszThe Raven ~Blumenwalzer~ (Waltz of the Flowers) 2
16.rszCopplia ~Copplia~ 1
17.rszCopplia ~Copplia~ 2
18.rszThe Maiden's Prayer ~Gebet einer Jungfrau~ (The Maiden's Prayer) 1
19.rszThe Maiden's Prayer ~Gebet einer Jungfrau~ (The Maiden's Prayer) 2
20.rszCrime and Punishment ~Carmen Aragonaise~ 1
21.rszCrime and Punishment ~Carmen Aragonaise~ 2
22.rszThe Wandering Knight ~Egmont Ouvrture~ (Egmont Overture) 1
23.rszThe Wandering Knight ~Egmont Ouvrture~ (Egmont Overture) 2
24.rszA Midsummer Night's Dream ~Ein Sommernachtstraum~ (A Midsummer Night's Dream) 1
25.rszA Midsummer Night's Dream ~Ein Sommernachtstraum~ (A Midsummer Night's Dream) 2
26.rszThe Forgotten Story ~Die verkaufte Braut~ (The Bartered Bride) 1
27.rszThe Forgotten Story ~Die verkaufte Braut~ (The Bartered Bride) 2
28.rszThe Spinners ~Lieder ohne Worte~ (Songs without Words) 1
29.rszThe Spinners ~Lieder ohne Worte~ (Songs without Words) 2
30.rszCrown of Stone ~Das groe Tor von Kiev~ (The Great Gate of Kiev) 1
31.rszCrown of Stone ~Das groe Tor von Kiev~ (The Great Gate of Kiev) 2
32.rszMarionette ~Ruslan und Ludmilla~ (Ruslan and Ludmilla) 1
33.rszMarionette ~Ruslan und Ludmilla~ (Ruslan and Ludmilla) 2
34.rszThe Prince and the Raven ~Danse Macabre~ 1
35.rszThe Prince and the Raven ~Danse Macabre~ 2
36.rszThe Dying Swan ~Romeo und Julia~ (Romeo and Juliet) 1
37.rszThe Dying Swan ~Romeo und Julia~ (Romeo and Juliet) 2
38.rszFinale ~Der Nuknacker: Finale~ (The Nutcracker: Final Scene)